What Happens When The Dust Settles After 2021?
I heard this recently. What happens when the dust settles? An interesting question. Dust is defined as fine, dry powder consisting of tiny particles of earth or waste matter lying on the ground or surfaces or carried in the air: This is the thing, air blows where it blows, and nobody knows.
So it requires patience. Patience is a life acquired skill, and you understand when you are supposed to and not a minute before. I was 40 before I understood the true power of patience and waiting because when I saw it and felt it, it’s something that never leaves you. It’s something that you can go back time and time again.
Patience, I found, is a confrontation of self. It hits you between the eyes and causes the self-inquiry of why you need something to be the way it is so quickly.
People talk about timing and alignment like they genuinely understand time. If you genuinely understood time and patience, then you would never honestly question timing and alignment.
People outwardly project timing alignment of external foundations, but for some reason, cannot question why they are not in alignment with themself.
The dust has blown all over 2021, and we have spent most of this year trying to polish the parts of us that continuously needed dusting, only to find the minute we cleaned it — it was dusty again!
So to try and find the answer to what happens, the dust can be an arduous task to know exactly what will happen after this year is out.
One thing is for sure. This eclipse season is shining so brightly right now that even the tiniest bits of dust can be seen. That you may as well throw everything out and start again but right now, no one can know where the dust will settle, especially those of us, without faith, patience and trust and even more so, those of us who aren’t indeed in alignment with their wants and needs.
“The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter.”
― Paulo Coelho