This New Moon is a savage. Allowing things to die naturally.
You can’t dress this one up & pass it off as ‘shadows & veils’.
Anger • Spite • Sabotage & Self Sabotage.
It’s complex & there are several oppositions, but all in all, it denotes sacred unions, partnerships & relationships. The dilemma is, do you stay or do you go?.
This New Moon comes with heavy emotions, reflecting on serious karmic relationships, what we learned, and what we didn’t. Not staying in bad situations even if you are cursed for it is a theme of this New Moon. There is courage and nurturing in this transit. There is also a finger of fate that points towards the decision to change, renew or escape and the question of will you be ok? … the answer is yes. When integrity is applied.
Joyful lives, happiness & and acceptance around what exists. This New Moon is a renewal cycle that will churn deep emotions, wounds and reflective thoughts around all relationships, including business partnerships. After all, this is Scorpio season, so what’s a little bit of death and some rebirth anyways?…. Stay safe out there, y’all- these are turbulent times. Hole up if you need to, like most phases of the Moon shall pass.