Superfly Gemini Season
Return Of The Cosmic Butterfly
Gemini season ( May 20th — June 21st) calls us to put on our butterfly wings and sample the infinite possible pathways through the kaleidoscope of our lives. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and connection. This air sign energy can take on a chatty, highly verbal, extra-social shine. Gemini is the first air sign of the zodiac year. Its significance is bright, social and intellectual after Taurus season’s lazy, sensual groundedness.
Gemini season arrives with intense energy. If the Taurus season’s energy is magnetic and earthy, then Gemini season offers us the chance to turn our animations outward again to the social world. Taurus season was a time for earthy work and earthy luxury. This Gemini energy is a time for fresh air, sparkling light, ideas, and conversation.
Gemini rules the 3rd House and governs our thought processes, critical thinking, communication platforms, and social activities. Siblings and early education.
It’s a month for simply letting the Universe happen through us, without judgment and sometimes without filtration. The Gemini energy of streaming things consciousness effortlessly. Keeping the mind clear is necessary, as a Gemini can build up too much mental energy.
Ruled by Mercury, the God of Communication. In Cosmobiology, Gemini governs our hands, arms, lungs and nervous system. This energy comes with a side of anxiety which can affect breathing.
The internal chatter of this energy is intense, which is why it’s essential to get out of your mind and into your body.
In modern times, we meet people’s Mercury first as he governs our communication, from emails to our choice of language. Mercury not only rules communication. It also represents coordination, thought processes, ideas, and sensory information. From both conscious and unconscious sources, all need to be coordinated and understood.
Mercury analyzes, sorts and makes sense of things. How do we handle our nervous energy? How do we express and convey our thoughts? How do we approach others and information to learn and exchange ideas?
Bringing the message this month to let go and find the curiosity in life once more after things have been so intense. Gemini needs help to do serious. This child-like wonder is a fresh approach to how things have been the last few months.