Rage Against The Machine In This Aquarius Season & How Each Rising Sign Can Rage In Their Own Unique Way.
Whose apparatus are we confronting? Their construct or the contraption you crafted? Did you assemble a mechanism or simply trail the crowd? Is your apparatus functioning seamlessly? Does it endure or flourish?
Neither stance bears inherent virtue or vice, yet Pluto, the harbinger of transformation, power, and tyranny, has ventured into Aquarius — the realm of community, technology, innovation, and non-conformity.
Aquarius, a tenacious yet rational fixed air sign adept at emotional detachment, challenges us to revolutionise and modernise our contrivances. This ensures that our ire isn’t misplaced on the apparatus our neighbour has erected. Avoid succumbing to the mainstream mechanism, their algorithm, one blindly adhered to for the sake of consumerism. This transit may be a formidable test, or it won’t.
If hindsight hasn’t rectified your vision, and you remain in the dark, this two-decade transition could prove arduous, contingent on Pluto’s placement in your astrological house.
Blindness to societal issues, injustices, gender and race biases is no longer tenable. Similarly, we are aware of the trajectory of technological evolution. Failure to pick a side may result in one being chosen for you, dictating your course for the next two decades.
If two decades have yet to yield growth, this period will jolt you to your core. Was it a lesson? Do we perpetuate or heed lessons? If you find yourself in an existential quandary, uncertain of your role as the navigator of your human experience, some Full Moon Journal Questions might catalyse contemplation, potentially sparking a chain reaction that propels you toward personal revolution.
Stay tuned to the Full Moon In Leo incoming on 25th January…
How each Rising can assert themselves and fight against the metaphorical “machine” in their own unique ways:
Aries Rising:
- Fight against conformity by leading with bold ideas and taking initiative personally and professionally.
- Channel your assertiveness into advocating for individual rights and challenging oppressive systems.
Taurus Rising:
- Resist the consumerist machine by prioritising sustainability and conscious consumption.
- Advocate for economic justice and fairness in financial systems.
Gemini Rising:
- Combat misinformation and algorithmic control by promoting critical thinking and disseminating accurate information.
- Engage in open and honest communication to challenge manipulative narratives.
Cancer Rising:
- Defend against emotional detachment by fostering empathy and emotional connections in your relationships.
- Advocate for social justice issues that resonate with your nurturing instincts.
Leo Rising:
- Fight against homogenisation by celebrating and expressing your unique identity.
- Use your creative energy to challenge the status quo and bring attention to overlooked voices.
Virgo Rising:
- Combat systemic issues by applying your analytical skills to problem-solving and advocating for practical solutions.
- Focus on social and environmental problems that align with your sense of responsibility.
Libra Rising:
- Resist conformity by promoting diversity and inclusion in your social circles and advocating for equal rights.
- Use your diplomatic skills to bridge gaps and foster understanding between different groups.
Scorpio Rising:
- Fight against manipulation by seeking truth and uncovering hidden agendas.
- Use your intensity to advocate for transparency and challenge abuses of power.
Sagittarius Rising:
- Combat narrow-mindedness by promoting open-mindedness, cultural exchange, and global perspectives.
- Advocate for educational reforms that encourage critical thinking and a broader worldview.
Capricorn Rising:
- Resist oppressive structures by challenging hierarchies and advocating for fairness and accountability.
- Use your organisational skills to lead efforts for positive change in your community.
Aquarius Rising:
- Fight against conformity by embracing your individuality and promoting unconventional ideas.
- Advocate for technological ethics and responsible innovation.
Pisces Rising:
- Resist emotional detachment by championing empathy and compassion in your interactions.
- Use your artistic and intuitive abilities to bring attention to social issues and inspire change.
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