I Don’t Care
In This Aries Season
As an astrologist, I understand that Aries season represents selfishness as a whole. To be selfish is a person, action, or motive lacking consideration for other people, concerned mainly with personal profit or pleasure. Is this bad? Selfishness isn’t always destructive. According to experts, selfishness can be healthy, while altruism (the selfless concern for the wellbeing of others) can become extreme and unhealthy.
This Aries season has been particularly tough for most because it morphs into Taurus season, where we are to find value in things. In the Earth, in ourselves and in all our relationships & connections.
Aries is a fire sign, and as with all fire seasons, they come with a side of zero fucks. Aries is the baby of the zodiac. When babies are born, they don’t know anything outside of themselves, and Aries season is a little like that. You need to look after yourself and yourself alone. This may be quite triggering to self-confessed people pleasers. A people pleaser is typically someone everyone considers helpful and kind. When you need help with a project or someone to help you study for an exam, they’re more than willing to step up.
You may be a people pleaser if you recognise yourself in the above description. But at some point, constantly making yourself available to others can take an emotional toll. You may neglect your needs because you fear disappointing others when they ask for your help.
This may resonate with the non-people pleasers among us.
I Don’t Care.
It’s quite as simple as that.
I’m not sorry. I don’t regret it. I’m fully aware that I don’t care. I am fully grounded in the notion that I don’t care. It’s not reactive. It’s quite the opposite. It’s a proactive choice not to care. Which is how I know. I simply don’t care.
But I don’t care that you care, that I don’t care.
I’m not frivolous about your feelings because I’m looking after myself. This is the same term coined as, doing you.
I’m not sorry that you’re upset that I don’t care. Your feelings are not my responsibility. I could lie and sugarcoat it for you, but why would I? If I don’t care.
I have many things to give a fuck about, and many I don’t. My awareness around my ability to not care is second to none, and I have things to fight for and things I no longer wish to fight for, and unfortunately, this is one.
That in itself is awareness. My awareness. Not your understanding that is filtered through your lens. We are all the villains in someone’s story, and at some point — you have to accept that, move on and not care.
That’s just simply the way it is. You see, to not care is to admit that once you did, and maybe too much so, arriving to the point of not caring means I passed through the rich landscape of caring and came out the other side.
This is the Art of War. You have free will to choose what you care about, and coming to that conclusion is often painful and, ironically, from caring too much.
This is said in Aries Season. To be selfish isn’t a bad thing. To be cruel and unkind whilst doing so is.
I’m not sorry. If I left, it was because it was the right thing to do. Just know it was well thought out, planned and executed with precision. I love you, but I love myself more. Just so we are clear, I do care, but only about me. Right here and right now because I’m all that matters. If I don’t have me, I don’t have anything, and no one should ever apologise.